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10 Dividend Growth Stocks for Your Retirement Portfolios Aggregate Yield 4.3%: Part 2


Research Articles

Introduction After an exhaustive search of the dividend growth stock universe I identified 20 dividend growth stocks that I felt were currently worthy of consideration for retirement portfolios based on valuation. In part 1 of this 2-part series found here I discussed the current level of the S&P 500, and offered some important principles about […]

The Shiller PE Continues to Mislead Investors, The S&P 500 Is Fairly Valued in Early 2013


Research Articles

Allow me to start this article by emphatically stating that I have a real problem with forecasting stock markets in the general sense.  Instead, I prefer to forecast the intrinsic values of individual businesses based on their earnings justified fundamental values.  I hold this position because I believe that it is not only possible, but […]

Prof. Schiller and CAPE, Maybe Correct Generally, But Specifically Wrong: The Market is Currently Cheap


Research Articles

Introduction Many well-known stock market pundits to include the likes of Henry Blodgett point to Professor Robert Shiller’s cyclically adjusted PE ratio or CAPE to make a case that the stock market (S&P 500) is overvalued.  According to Prof. Shiller, the long-term average PE ratio (CAPE adjusted) for the S&P 500 is approximately 16.  And […]

Five Undervalued Blue Chips with Above-average and Growing Yield


Research Articles

Yesterday the following PRNewswire press release reported that S&P indices announced a powerful uptrend in dividend increases for calendar year 2011.  This provides continued validation of the unique opportunity that blue-chip dividend paying stocks offer investors today. Five Dividend Paying Blue Chips Offering Yields Above the 10-year Treasury Bond The following table lists five blue-chip […]

S&P 500: A 20% rise in 2010?


Research Articles

The Stock Market – Wisdom via Ben Graham One of my favorite Ben Graham stories is one I cannot substantiate to be true. Nevertheless, it’s a terrific story which I believe contains great investing wisdom. It was alleged that a young zealous reporter was dogging Ben Graham for an interview. Not one to seek the […]

S&P 500: Modestly Overvalued


Research Articles

After a strong price recovery in 2009, the question on every investor’s mind is what about 2010? To us, it’s always a function of valuation based on earnings. In fact, the correlation between earnings and price explains a lot about past, present and ultimately future performance. This is true for individual companies, but applies to […]

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