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Southern Company: Invest While the Yield Is Still High


Research Articles

Introduction In consideration of today’s low interest rate environment, fixed income securities offer little in the way of return.  Moreover, the safety characteristics normally associated with fixed income are also potentially upside down.  Since early 1982, the interest rates available with fixed income have been in a continuous freefall.  This has presented both good and […]

Designing a Dividend Growth Portfolio for a Specific Retirement Yield Objective: Part 1


Research Articles

Introduction Managing an investment portfolio is a very personal matter.  Consequently, the most important consideration is to design a portfolio that meets your own unique goals, objectives and risk tolerances.  Everyone is different, and consequently, every investment portfolio can and should be appropriately different as well.  Stated more straightforwardly, I do not believe in cookie-cutter […]

Retired Investors Don’t Buy Bonds Until?


Research Articles

Introduction The primary attractions supporting investing in bonds or other fixed income instruments have traditionally been high income and safety.  People invest their principal in bonds and receive a stated interest rate (coupon) over the life of the bond and are given the promise of having their principal returned at maturity.  Under normal times, bonds […]

Retired With Money To Invest? Consider Playing Defense With Utilities


Research Articles

Introduction It is no secret that the stock market in the general sense is trading at a higher valuation than normal.  On the other hand, I would argue that it’s far from bubble territory.  Regardless, I must admit that finding attractive valuations is getting harder with each passing day.  This is especially true for the […]

The Great Beta Hoax: Not an Accurate Measure of Risk After All


Research Articles

Introduction Every investor is concerned with risk at some level.  Arguably investors in retirement are and should be concerned with risk the most.  However, not every investor looks at or defines risk in the same way.  In truth and fact, there is a wide gap between how various segments in the financial community define and […]

Mr. Valuation disagrees with Henry Blodget: “It’s a Market of Stocks” is not a Meaningless Phrase


Research Articles

Introduction There are many that consider the stock market the big casino.  Because I believe in adhering to a business perspective on investing in common stocks, I am not one of those people.  To investors like me, the stock market is simply the store that we shop at in order to buy (invest in) great […]

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