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Stock Selection Options by Category: Part 2A


Research Articles

Introduction In part 1 of this series titled “How Many Stocks Should I Own?”  found here, I focused primarily on how many stocks an investor might need to hold in a stock portfolio for adequate diversification.  In this part 2, my focus will shift to category selections. Instead of how many stocks to own, this […]

Starbucks is finally fairly valued!


Research Articles

FAST Graphs YouTube Subscriber Request Series

Mr. Valuation disagrees with Henry Blodget: “It’s a Market of Stocks” is not a Meaningless Phrase


Research Articles

Introduction There are many that consider the stock market the big casino.  Because I believe in adhering to a business perspective on investing in common stocks, I am not one of those people.  To investors like me, the stock market is simply the store that we shop at in order to buy (invest in) great […]

Stocks for 2014: Are Dividend Paying Cyclical Stocks Acceptable Investments For Retirement Portfolios? – Part 6


Research Articles

Introduction Chuck Carnevale This is final installment of a 6-part series of articles on stocks for 2014.  In the previous five installments – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5, my focus was primarily on stocks of various categories that I believed were fairly valued even after the strong run that […]

This Is What Real Bubbles Look Like


Research Articles

With the stock market currently doing so well, numerous articles are popping up playing the bubble card.  Personally, I don’t believe we are anywhere near bubble levels for equities, at least in the general sense.  I do think there are certain stocks that are currently overvalued, but very few that I would describe as dangerously […]

Stocks 2014: Investing for Growth – The Power and Protection of High Compounding Earnings Growth – Part 2


Research Articles

As I become more mature (translate: gotten older), my investment philosophy has slowly evolved into a more conservative posture.  When I was a younger investor I felt I had time on my side, and therefore, was willing to take on greater risk as long as I believed that greater rewards could follow.  In other words, […]

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