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Blue-Chip Dividend Aristocrats – There is a Lot of Value in this Market: Part 4


Research Articles

This is the fourth in a series of articles designed to counter a pervasive attitude that common stocks are expensive today.  Furthermore, we would agree with those that contend that we have been in a stealth bull market for the last 18 months or more.  However, would also contend that stocks were so cheap prior […]

Our Top 40 Favorite Dividend Champions: Blue-chip Dividend Growth Stocks Today’s Strong Option for Retirement Portfolios Part 2


Research Articles

In part one of this two-part series (Found Here) I laid the groundwork for why I believe that blue-chip dividend paying US equities represent not only a viable, but also a safer investment choice than many give them credit for. I also pointed out why I believe the risk profile on bonds is currently upside […]

Procter & Gamble Co: Clean Up Your Retirement Portfolio For Growth And Income


FAST Graphs At-A-Glance

Procter & Gamble (PG) has long been a blue-chip stalwart that the market has traditionally applied a premium valuation to. However, even though they maintained strong profitability right through the recessionary years, the market took the bloom off of the rose. In our opinion, this created the opportunity for conservative investors, seeking growth and income […]

Newsflash: The Dividend Aristocrats Found The Lost Decade


Research Articles

Introduction There are many people who continue to hold a jaundiced view of stocks because they were traumatized by the last two recessions.  Precipitous drops in equity prices drove them to distrust stocks and stock markets.  However, I believe that most of the negative sentiment is a function of what I would describe as vague […]

Dividend Champions a Rare Undervalued Opportunity


Research Articles

We believe that based on earnings, 2012 is starting out with the stock market undervalued. We believe in the long-term ownership of great businesses purchased at sound and attractive valuations. Consequently, we view the stock market as merely the store that we shop at in order to buy the businesses we want to own. Furthermore, […]

9 of the Second 10 Best Performing Dow Stocks are Fairly Valued


Research Articles

The Dow Jones Industrial Average Second 10 Best Performers There is a lot of discussion taking place today about whether or not stocks are good long-term investments.  Most of it is slanted towards the negative with dire forecasts of poor future returns. Implied in these forecasts of doom are opinions that stocks are overvalued today. […]

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