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McDonalds Back In Value, Above-Average Growth and Above-Average Yield


FAST Graphs At-A-Glance

McDonald’s (MCD) is a great favorite of the dividend growth investor.  However, Mr. Market knows this and has historically applied a premium valuation to this blue-chip dividend stalwart.  Due to its consistently above-average earnings growth, McDonald’s is a company that you could even pay a little too much for and still make money over the […]

Newsflash: The Dividend Aristocrats Found The Lost Decade


Research Articles

Introduction There are many people who continue to hold a jaundiced view of stocks because they were traumatized by the last two recessions.  Precipitous drops in equity prices drove them to distrust stocks and stock markets.  However, I believe that most of the negative sentiment is a function of what I would describe as vague […]

Maybe Diversification Is Not All It’s Cracked Up To Be


Research Articles

There’s an old cliché about real estate investing that states that the three cardinal rules are: location- location- location.  Clever pundits have borrowed upon this refrain and glibly state that the three most important or cardinal rules of investing are: diversify- diversify- diversify. However, careful analysis will reveal that diversification is a multifaceted concept that […]

Dividend Champions a Rare Undervalued Opportunity


Research Articles

We believe that based on earnings, 2012 is starting out with the stock market undervalued. We believe in the long-term ownership of great businesses purchased at sound and attractive valuations. Consequently, we view the stock market as merely the store that we shop at in order to buy the businesses we want to own. Furthermore, […]

Dissecting the Dow: 21 of the 30 Dow Stocks are Undervalued, 6 are Fairly Valued, and Only 3 Appear Overvalued


Research Articles

Introduction In this final segment, we will cover the 10 poorest performing DJIA stocks since 1995.  In part one which covered the best 10 performing DJIA stocks; we saw a group of companies that could best be described as consistent above-average earnings generators.  Consequently, it makes sense that they were the best performers since we […]

Warren Buffett Said Ignore Political and Economic Forecasts


Research Articles

There’s certainly no shortage of pundits, prognosticators and even self-proclaimed prophets ready and willing to bombard us with dire forecasts about our future.  We get a day in the market like Monday, August 8, 2011, and “Chicken Little” shows up everywhere to include radio, television, newspapers, magazines and the Internet.  Yet somehow, we survive it […]

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