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Stock Selection Options by Category: Part 2A


Research Articles

Introduction In part 1 of this series titled “How Many Stocks Should I Own?”  found here, I focused primarily on how many stocks an investor might need to hold in a stock portfolio for adequate diversification.  In this part 2, my focus will shift to category selections. Instead of how many stocks to own, this […]

When is the PEG Ratio Superior to the P/E Ratio? Part 2


Research Articles

Introduction Financial metrics such as P/E ratios, price to cash flow ratios, PEG ratios, price to sales ratios, price to book value, and many others, should be thought of as tools in the investor’s toolbox.  They can all be useful when appropriately utilized towards putting together a successful stock portfolio.  However, just as you wouldn’t […]

Which is Best-Investing For Income or Total Return: Part 2


Research Articles

Introduction There is a long running feud between investors who believe in investing for total return versus those who believe in investing for current income.  Both camps are fervent advocates of their respective beliefs, and there seems to be no feasible middle ground or compromise.  Unfortunately, I believe that the dogmatic positions of both groups […]

Invest In Stocks With A Margin of Safety To Reduce Risk And Enhance Returns


Research Articles

Introduction Of all of the many sound investing principles that legendary teacher and investor Ben Graham put forward, he believed that his concept of “margin of safety” was the most important of all.  This investment lesson was so deeply ingrained into the mind of Ben Graham’s most famous student, Warren Buffett, that he created his […]

The Essence of Valuation is Soundness Not Rate of Return


Research Articles

Introduction on Stock Valuation When it comes to writing about investing in common stocks, my favorite theme typically revolves around valuation.  In fact, I once had a reader dub me “Mr. Valuation.”  Which, I might add was very flattering to me.  Moreover, in the context of discussing valuation there are normally three concepts that are […]

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