19 Opportunities in Electronic Technology, The Future of Everything: Part 7
Introduction I feel compelled to reiterate the purpose of this series of articles. Although I am attempting to identify attractively valued stocks in each sector presented by FactSet Research Systems Inc., I am not simultaneously recommending them as attractive or proper investment choices. Therefore, just because I am featuring them in the article, it doesn’t […]
Is There Real Value in These 7 Distribution Services Companies? Part 6
Introduction As I stated in previous articles in this series, my primary objective is to provide the reader with a clear perspective of just how different individual stocks are and how different companies operating in different sectors are. Consequently, I will be covering every sector that FactSet covers. As different as each of these sectors […]
9 Inexpensive Consumer Services Sector Stocks: Part 5
Introduction As I stated in the introduction in Part 4 of this series, my primary objective is to provide the reader with a clear perspective of just how different individual stocks are and how different companies operating in different sectors are. Consequently, I will be covering every sector that FactSet covers. As this relates to […]
11 Investable Consumer Non-Durables: Finding Value in Food, Footwear, Apparel, Alcohol and Tobacco: Part 4
Introduction My primary objective with this series of articles (identifying attractively valued stocks in different sectors) is to provide the reader with a clear perspective of just how different individual stocks are and how different companies operating in different sectors are. It is my opinion and experience that investors worry far too much about what […]
Finding Value In Consumer Durables – A Very Diverse Sector: Part 3
Introduction This is part 3 of a series where I have conducted a simple screening looking for value over the overall market based on industry classifications and subindustry classifications reported by FactSet Research Systems, Inc. In part 1 found here I covered the Consumer Services Sector. In part 2 found here I covered the Communication […]
I Love Bear Markets – Look at All the Value It Has Brought Us! Part 1
Introduction Although most investors hate bearish stock market activity, value investors – like yours truly -relish them. Moreover, bearish market activity becomes especially welcome after extended periods of high valuation like we have been experiencing since calendar year 2014. High valuations make it very difficult for value investors to find attractive common stock investments. Consequently, […]