Trying To Beat The Market Is A Fool’s Errand
Introduction Proponents of indexing as the best investment strategy seemed to take great delight in reporting how the vast majority of professionally managed portfolios (mutual funds, separately managed accounts, hedge funds, ETFs, etc.) fail to outperform the S&P 500. Therefore, they argue, it is best not to even try. Investors should simply invest in index […]
Cyclical and Turnaround Stocks: There Is A Lot Of Value In This Market: Part 5
This article represents the final installment in our “There Is A Lot of Value In This Market” series. Links to parts one through four can be found here. In some ways, this article represents prima fascia evidence supporting some of our main hypotheses. First of all, this article will clearly support the notion that not […]
Why Buy and Hold Will Always Be a Sound Investing Strategy
It seems like the debate regarding the merits of the “buy-and-hold” investing strategy is alive and well. We always find these discussions amusing, because we believe that it is such a pointless discussion. There is no general argument or case that can be made to support the buy-and-hold strategy or to negate it. The only […]