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Is Dow 17,000 Dangerously High? This Comprehensive Review May Surprise You!


Research Articles

Introduction The Dow Jones Industrial Average recently closed above 17,000, a historical record and milestone.  Consequently, the question at the forefront of every investor’s mind has understandably been raised.  Has the market now become dangerously high and therefore destined for a crash?  The truthful answer to this important question is that nobody can know for […]

The Dow Hits All-Time Highs, But The Truth Is It Remains Cheaply Valued


Research Articles

The Dow Jones industrial average sits above 15,000, an all-time high.  But don’t be fooled, this doesn’t mean that stocks are expensive.  I understand that it seems logical to assume that if the Dow Jones industrial average, what many believe to be the bellwether index of the stock market, is at an all-time high, then […]

Cyclical and Turnaround Stocks: There Is A Lot Of Value In This Market: Part 5


Research Articles

This article represents the final installment in our “There Is A Lot of Value In This Market” series. Links to parts one through four can be found here. In some ways, this article represents prima fascia evidence supporting some of our main hypotheses.  First of all, this article will clearly support the notion that not […]

Don’t Be the Equivalent of a Stock Market Racist


Research Articles

There is no shortage of pundits and prognosticators willing to offer their opinions (rarely based on facts) as to whether or not stocks are cheap or expensive, or as to whether the markets are going to rise or fall.  In every case, the opinions and prognostications are directed as generalities such as stocks or markets.  […]

9 of the Second 10 Best Performing Dow Stocks are Fairly Valued


Research Articles

The Dow Jones Industrial Average Second 10 Best Performers There is a lot of discussion taking place today about whether or not stocks are good long-term investments.  Most of it is slanted towards the negative with dire forecasts of poor future returns. Implied in these forecasts of doom are opinions that stocks are overvalued today. […]

Should Dividend Growth Investors Forgive General Electric?


Research Articles

There was a time in the not-too-distant past when General Electric Co. (GE) was the darling of Wall Street and everybody’s favorite stock to own.  This was especially true during the Jack Welch Era, which spanned the years 1981 to 2000.  In truth, I agree that Jack Welch should have been given a great deal […]

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