Dover Corp: Fundamental Stock Research Analysis
Through the lens of FAST Graphs™ – fundamentals analyzer software tool, we are going to look at Dover Corp (DOV). The 11-year historical chart shows us that Dover Corp is undervalued. Analysts are forecasting forward-earnings growth of 14%. This may be a good time for the prudent dividend growth investor to do his own thorough […]
Dividend Champions a Rare Undervalued Opportunity
We believe that based on earnings, 2012 is starting out with the stock market undervalued. We believe in the long-term ownership of great businesses purchased at sound and attractive valuations. Consequently, we view the stock market as merely the store that we shop at in order to buy the businesses we want to own. Furthermore, […]
Is Dover Corp. (DOV) a Cyclical, Growth or Dividend Growth Stock?
Dover Corp. (DOV) reported their earnings today. The following excerpt from their press release summarizes their excellent quarter. It was recently suggested that we prepare an article on Dover Corp. (DOV), and therefore, felt it was appropriate to prepare this review on earnings day. Dover is a company that has been on our focus list […]
A Primer on Valuation: 8 Examples of How Earnings Growth Drives Dividends and Returns
Valuation Based on Fundamentals In order to prudently answer the question of when to buy a stock, an investor first needs to know the value of the company behind the stock. At the most basic level, a company derives its value based on the fundamentals behind the business it operates. Focusing on, and calculating the […]