Why Accomplished Dividend Growth Investors Can Ignore Price Volatility
Introduction For a lot of reasons, dividend growth investing is becoming more and more popular every day. The historically low interest rate on fixed income is perhaps one important reason for this trend. However, an equally important, and perhaps even the most important reason, might just be that investors are better informed on the dividend […]
Franklin Resources Inc: Fundamental Stock Research Analysis
Before analyzing a company for investment, it’s important to have a perspective on how well the business has performed. Because at the end of the day, if you are an investor, you are buying the business. The FAST Graphs™ presented with this article will focus first on the business behind the stock. The orange line […]
Dividend Champions a Rare Undervalued Opportunity
We believe that based on earnings, 2012 is starting out with the stock market undervalued. We believe in the long-term ownership of great businesses purchased at sound and attractive valuations. Consequently, we view the stock market as merely the store that we shop at in order to buy the businesses we want to own. Furthermore, […]