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21 Interesting Metaverse Stocks: 6 Prudent Buys: 4 Speculations: The Rest?


Research Articles

Introduction Metaverse Stocks Although you can learn a great deal from the past you can only invest in the future. Today many believe the future of the Internet and technology is the Metaverse. Therefore, I have begun putting together a portfolio of stocks that are poised to participate in the next stage of technology growth […]

Investing Principles – Value v. Growth | FAST Graphs


Research Articles

Introduction Today in this video I want to talk about some investing principles that kind of relate to me, and actually represent kind of a pet peeve of mine, if you will.  In the investment industry there’s always a lot of discussion and even debates about which is a better way to invest – value […]

How to Value Growth Stocks


Research Articles

Valuing High Growth Stocks Growth stocks are a different breed, and they cannot be valued in the same way you value average businesses. When you are looking at regular businesses, the company’s current valuation is a primary consideration. This is typically measured utilizing metrics such as the P/E ratio, price to cash flows, price to […]

Interest Rates and Stock Values Truth Be Told


Research Articles

Introduction The idea that interest rates directly affect stock prices is a commonly held belief among many investors.  There are some that even go as far as to say that the only reason the stock market is up is because interest rates have been artificially kept low by the Fed.  With this article, I’m going […]

The Right Way to Value Growth Stocks: Part 3


Research Articles

 Introduction In part 2 of this series I focused on how to value slow and moderately growing businesses. In this article, Part 3, I will shift my focus on how to value faster growing companies (growth stocks).  My definition of a fast grower (growth stock) is one that has consistently compounded earnings at 15% per annum or […]

Why We Sold Walmart-It’s Not Why You Think


Research Articles

Introduction Walmart’s stock price took a bath early last week, and there are a lot of opinions regarding where the stock price now sits.  The catalyst was their 4th quarter and fiscal year-end 2018 annual report (note: Walmart has a January 31 fiscal year end).  The following headlines courtesy of “Google Finance” illustrate the variance […]

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