On Saturday, December 4, 2021, starting at 10:00 p.m. EST we will be launching the New FAST Graphs. This may cause temporary interruptions. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.


“Ye Of Little Faith” What Has It Cost You? Part 1


Research Articles

Introduction I believe that one of the most important attributes that a successful investor must possess is optimism.  Any serious student of financial history would recognize and acknowledge that economically speaking, things are good much more often than they are bad.  In the general sense, common stocks have risen far more often than they have […]

Aflac: Still Cheap Despite The Recent Price Run-Up


FAST Graphs At-A-Glance

Georgia based Aflac (AFL) is probably best known among the general public for the Aflac duck parading about television commercials. However, investors probably know Aflac just as well by its consistency towards rewarding shareholders. Over the past 31 years this supplemental insurer has not only paid a dividend but also increased each year; during the […]

Invest In Stocks With A Margin of Safety To Reduce Risk And Enhance Returns


Research Articles

Introduction Of all of the many sound investing principles that legendary teacher and investor Ben Graham put forward, he believed that his concept of “margin of safety” was the most important of all.  This investment lesson was so deeply ingrained into the mind of Ben Graham’s most famous student, Warren Buffett, that he created his […]

Is The Financial Crisis Over For Financial Stocks?


Research Articles

The cause of the financial crisis of 2007 -2008, also known as the Great Recession of 2008, is attributed to many different theories.  However, one of the most common theories is an easy money regulatory environment that led to an abundance of subprime loans, which in turn inflated real estate prices to bubble levels.  Additionally, […]

How To Remain Solvent Longer Than The Market Is Irrational


Research Articles

I believe it is extremely important that investors focus on the value of what they own more than they do on the day-to-day machinations of price volatility. However, I also believe, and even recognize, that very few investors are capable of ignoring volatile stock price movements. When the price of a stock that they own […]

The Shiller PE Continues to Mislead Investors, The S&P 500 Is Fairly Valued in Early 2013


Research Articles

Allow me to start this article by emphatically stating that I have a real problem with forecasting stock markets in the general sense.  Instead, I prefer to forecast the intrinsic values of individual businesses based on their earnings justified fundamental values.  I hold this position because I believe that it is not only possible, but […]

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