On Saturday, December 4, 2021, starting at 10:00 p.m. EST we will be launching the New FAST Graphs. This may cause temporary interruptions. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Build 2.1.7


Welcome to Build 2.1.7 of FAST Graphs. In this build, we’ve focused on adding some enhancements:

Related News (beta)

  • We have now added a News Section that appears to the right of the graphs, or below the graphs for smaller devices.
  • This section currently provides the 10 latest articles for the selected stock and is obtained from numerous sources.
  • Some of these sources may have a paywall that is needed to view the article.

Since Related News is in beta, you may experience issues with the data. It will not affect FAST Graphs’ charting system itself, but please reach out to us if you find any issues where the Related News is not working as expected. Keep in mind, not all 20,000 companies in our universe may have news.

Estimate Revisions

  • Under the Forecasting Graphs, we have added estimate revisions to compare previous estimates to the current.
  • We have added: Previous estimates, 3 month, and 6 month ago estimates to compare to the current estimates.
  • These estimates currently only handle the selected metric. It does not cover dividend estimates currently.

Estimate revisions only show up on the Estimates graph and the Normal Multiple graph.

  • There is a hover ability that highlights the current estimate in comparison to the previous estimate you are looking at to help understand which corresponding estimate you are looking at.
Disclaimers: F.A.S.T. Graphs, Inc. is not a broker-dealer or a registered investment adviser. Under no circumstances does any information on Fastgraphs.com constitute a recommendation to buy or sell a security, nor does it give investment advice. This is to include any publications or articles on Fastgraphs.com. Fastgraphs.com is a research tool to be used by its subscribers in conjunction with the subscribers’ additional research and due diligence. The information on this site is in no way guaranteed for completeness or accuracy.