A True Investor’s Most Important Performance Measurement
Although most people either fail to realize it, or simply refused to accept it, every stock portfolio has two separate and distinct performances. The first, and in my opinion, the least important, is stock price movement. If you buy a stock at $10 a share and it goes to $15 a share it’s a good […]
Testing: Bio Reference Labs (BRLI), Quest Diagnostics Inc. (DGX), Laboratory Corp. of America (LH): Diagnosis Profits
Whether a buy and hold investment strategy is a good idea or not, is one of the most hotly debated investing concepts. From our point of view, the best answer as to whether buy and hold is a good strategy or not is that it primarily depends on the specific company or companies being considered. […]
Analyzing Intel Corp.: A Dividend Challenger
Intel Corp.: A Dividend Challenger with 8 Consecutive Years of Dividend Increases Since dividends are paid out of earnings, a clear perspective of a company’s historical earnings growth record is a vital component of a dividend investor’s prudent due diligence process. The following graph plots Intel Corp.’s earnings per share since 2003. A quick glance […]
5 Utilities With 4% Or Better Yields
Introduction The following table summarizes five eastern regulated utilities that appear to be reasonably valued, and lists them in order of dividend yield highest to lowest. From left to right, the table shows the company’s stock symbol and name. Next, two valuation metrics are listed side-by-side; the current PE ratio followed by the historical normal […]
Nike (NKE): Just Do It – Sell
There is an enormous amount of discussion and even controversy regarding various opinions as to whether the stock market is currently undervalued or overvalued. Some pundits, such as Prof. Schiller, use a statistical analysis that argues for overvaluation based on an alleged reversion to the mean. Currently, Prof. Schiller calculates the Schiller PE on the […]
The Top 25 Best Dividend Challengers To Buy Today
This is the third and final article of a series of articles we have prepared on dividend paying stocks with a history and legacy of increasing their dividends each year. Our first article covered Dividend Champions, dividend paying stocks with a history of increasing the dividend every year for at least 25 years and can […]