Air Products & Chemicals Inc: Fundamentals-Driven Stock Research Analysis
With this article we are going to examine Air Products & Chemicals Inc (APD) through the lens of FAST Graphs™ – fundamentals analyzer software tool. Based on the fundamental data, the company appears to be fairly valued and offers a considerably above-average and growing divided yield. Earnings Determine Market Price: The following earnings and price […]
How Can I Know If My Stocks Are Fairly Valued?
Not having the confidence that they know the true worth of their stocks, is one of the most common laments expressed by many individual investors. Even more importantly, knowing the price of all their stocks, but not knowing their value, is often a major source of shareholder losses. Expressed differently, when you don’t know the […]
Based on Real Math The S&P 500 Is Fairly Valued
As investors, we do not believe in forecasting stock markets or stock prices on individual stocks. Instead, we approach investing as the process of calculating intrinsic value based on fundamentals. To us, the most important fundamental to be considered when evaluating the True Worth™ of a market or a common stock is earnings. Therefore, it’s […]
Cracker Barrel: Fundamental Stock Research Analysis
This article is going to examine the home-style country restaurant Cracker Barrel (CBRL) through the lens of FAST Graphs™ – fundamentals analyzer software tool, which shows us a picture of a company that is currently in value. The prudent growth and dividend investor may want to do their own due diligence into this fine company […]
Cyclical and Turnaround Stocks: There Is A Lot Of Value In This Market: Part 5
This article represents the final installment in our “There Is A Lot of Value In This Market” series. Links to parts one through four can be found here. In some ways, this article represents prima fascia evidence supporting some of our main hypotheses. First of all, this article will clearly support the notion that not […]
Quest Diagnostics, Inc: Fundamental Stock Research Analysis
In this article we are going to examine Quest Diagnostics Inc (DGX) through the lens of FAST Graphs™ – fundamentals analyzer software tool. Quest Diagnostics, Inc. is the world’s leading provider of diagnostic testing, information and services. FAST Graphs™ shows us a picture of a company that is current undervalued. Analysts are forecasting this company’s […]