McGraw-Hill Companies: Fundamental Stock Research Analysis
Before analyzing a company for investment, it’s important to have a perspective on how well the business has performed. Because at the end of the day, if you are an investor, you are buying the business. The FAST Graphs™ presented with this article will focus first on the business behind the stock. The orange line […]
GameStop Corp: Fundamental Stock Research Analysis
Before analyzing a company for investment, it’s important to have a perspective on how well the business has performed. Because at the end of the day, if you are an investor, you are buying the business. The FAST Graphs™ presented with this article will focus first on the business behind the stock. The orange line […]
VF Corp: Fundamental Stock Research Analysis
Before analyzing a company for investment, it’s important to have a perspective on how well the business has performed. Because at the end of the day, if you are an investor, you are buying the business. The FAST Graphs™ presented with this article will focus first on the business behind the stock. The orange line […]
Stocks 2014: Investing for Growth – The Power and Protection of High Compounding Earnings Growth – Part 2
As I become more mature (translate: gotten older), my investment philosophy has slowly evolved into a more conservative posture. When I was a younger investor I felt I had time on my side, and therefore, was willing to take on greater risk as long as I believed that greater rewards could follow. In other words, […]
The Shiller PE Continues to Mislead Investors, The S&P 500 Is Fairly Valued in Early 2013
Allow me to start this article by emphatically stating that I have a real problem with forecasting stock markets in the general sense. Instead, I prefer to forecast the intrinsic values of individual businesses based on their earnings justified fundamental values. I hold this position because I believe that it is not only possible, but […]
How To Interpret FAST Graphs™
FAST Graphs™ are a “tool to think with” and as such, have no agenda of their own. Instead, they are designed to provide “essential fundamentals at a glance” and allow the user to interpret the data according to their own philosophies, strategies and beliefs. In this context, FAST Graphs™ are the deliverer or reporter of […]