Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation: Fundamental Stock Research Analysis
Before analyzing a company for investment, it’s important to have a perspective on how well the business has performed. Because at the end of the day, if you are an investor, you are buying the business. The FAST Graphs™ presented with this article will focus first on the business behind the stock. The orange line […]
This Is What Real Bubbles Look Like
With the stock market currently doing so well, numerous articles are popping up playing the bubble card. Personally, I don’t believe we are anywhere near bubble levels for equities, at least in the general sense. I do think there are certain stocks that are currently overvalued, but very few that I would describe as dangerously […]
The Dow Hits All-Time Highs, But The Truth Is It Remains Cheaply Valued
The Dow Jones industrial average sits above 15,000, an all-time high. But don’t be fooled, this doesn’t mean that stocks are expensive. I understand that it seems logical to assume that if the Dow Jones industrial average, what many believe to be the bellwether index of the stock market, is at an all-time high, then […]
DICK’s Sporting Goods Inc: Fundamental Stock Research Analysis
Before analyzing a company for investment, it’s important to have a perspective on how well the business has performed. Because at the end of the day, if you are an investor, you are buying the business. The FAST Graphs™ presented with this article will focus first on the business behind the stock. The orange line […]
Super-Fast Growing Mid-Cap Growth Stocks With Explosive Returns
Introduction It seems like I’ve been writing only about dividend growth stocks for what seems like forever. Therefore, I felt it would be a refreshing change to alter my focus from dividend income to pure unadulterated growth. Although I’m a major proponent of investing in dividend growth stocks, unlike many of my fellow dividend growth […]
BlackRock Inc: Fundamental Stock Research Analysis
Before analyzing a company for investment, it’s important to have a perspective on how well the business has performed. Because at the end of the day, if you are an investor, you are buying the business. The FAST Graphs™ presented with this article will focus first on the business behind the stock. The orange line […]