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What Is The Correct Discount Rate To Use? Part 2B


Research Articles

Introduction One of the most widely-accepted and utilized methods of valuing a business in today’s world of modern finance is discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis.  Obviously, in order to calculate valuation, practitioners must rely on mathematical formulas.  However, the challenge with utilizing mathematical formulas to determine the net present value (NPV) of a future stream […]

Calculating A Stock’s Fair Value Based On Future Growth Expectations: Part 2A


Research Articles

Introduction In part one of this two-part series I focused primarily on calculating the intrinsic value of a common stock based on an analysis and review of historical information and data.  Although I strongly believe that there is much that investors can learn by studying the past, I even more strongly believe that since we […]

How To Calculate The Intrinsic Value Of Your Common Stocks: Part 1


Research Articles

Introduction Every investor in common stocks is faced with the challenge of knowing when to buy, sell or hold.  Additionally, this challenge will be approached differently by the true investor than it would by a speculator.  But since I know very little about speculation (trading or market timing), this article will be focused on assisting […]

Invest In Stocks With A Margin of Safety To Reduce Risk And Enhance Returns


Research Articles

Introduction Of all of the many sound investing principles that legendary teacher and investor Ben Graham put forward, he believed that his concept of “margin of safety” was the most important of all.  This investment lesson was so deeply ingrained into the mind of Ben Graham’s most famous student, Warren Buffett, that he created his […]

Qualcomm: Where Innovation Meets Results


FAST Graphs At-A-Glance

Thesis For Growth Qualcomm (QCOM) is a global company founded in 1985 that designs, develops, manufactures, and markets digital telecommunications products and services. The company’s passion is “to continue to deliver the world’s most innovative wireless solutions.” Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the company is the underlying licensing business model. As Qualcomm indicates: “the […]

Utilities – Today’s Best Bond Alternative


Research Articles

Introduction:   Equity versus Debt a.k.a. Owner-ship versus Loaner-ship To refer to any stock or equity as an alternative to bonds or fixed income is sure to stir up the ire and consternation of many professional and individual investors alike who deem themselves prudent.  Frankly, under normal circumstances I would tend to agree.  But the nature […]

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