The Best Way to Judge Past Performance: Part Two
Introduction On virtually every financial website on the planet there is a never-ending daily stream of stock tips and recommendations. Consequently, the investing public is literally flooded with information and advice regarding what stock to buy today or not to buy. Some of what is offered is supported by factual information and logic, but unfortunately, […]
“Ye Of Little Faith” What Has It Cost You? Part 1
Introduction I believe that one of the most important attributes that a successful investor must possess is optimism. Any serious student of financial history would recognize and acknowledge that economically speaking, things are good much more often than they are bad. In the general sense, common stocks have risen far more often than they have […]
An Important Discussion on the Nuances of Valuation
Can I Have a Hamburger and a Coke? Sorry, is Pepsi Okay? When I was studying business marketing in college, I was introduced to the concept referred to as the first mover advantage. In very simple terms, this refers to the advantages of being the first to develop a product and market. For example, instead […]
Chuck Carnevale, a.k.a. “Mr. Valuation,” on Stocks, Bubbles, and Buybacks
With stock market valuations at current levels, are there any bargains left in the stock market today? Cris Sheridan welcomes Charles (Chuck) Carnevale, creator of F.A.S.T. Graphs™. Chuck talks about the sectors and companies that he still finds attractive and also gives his thoughts on corporate buybacks and whether the US stock market is in […]
4 Healthcare REITs For A Healthier Retirement Portfolio
Introduction To be considered prudent investors we must recognize and accept the undeniable reality that all true investing is done in future time. Consequently, the key to long-term investment success is to forecast the future as accurately as we possibly can. Of course, we must simultaneously recognize and accept that forecasting the future can only […]
Apple By the Numbers
Introduction Apple holds the distinction, among many others, of being the most widely written about and talked about company on the planet. Some of what is written is factual, and those are the offerings that I personally appreciate and look for. On the other hand, high profile Apple (AAPL) has both enthusiastic fans and […]