On Saturday, December 4, 2021, starting at 10:00 p.m. EST we will be launching the New FAST Graphs. This may cause temporary interruptions. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.


Dividend Growth Stocks in a Stealth Bear Market! Kimberly-Clark Corporation: Part 2


Research Articles

Introduction In part 1  found here of this multi-part series I discussed how several blue-chip dividend growth stocks have already entered a bear market. Therefore, I thought it would be helpful to provide FAST Graphs analyze out loud videos on several dividend growth stocks that have corrected from high valuation levels to more reasonable levels.  […]

Have You Noticed That Many Dividend Stocks are Finally in a Bear Market? General Mills Inc.: Part 1


Research Articles

Introduction For quite some time I have been complaining that most best-of-breed dividend growth stocks were overvalued.  Frankly, for the most part I continue to hold that opinion.  On the other hand, I am also starting to see what I’ll call a stealth bear market for many dividend growth stocks.  In some cases, this stealth […]

What Can I Expect to Make If I Invest in Johnson & Johnson Today?


Research Articles

Overview AAA rated Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) has produced one of the most impeccable and consistent long-term records of fundamental results and growth.  No matter whether you are measuring earnings, cash flows or dividends, you will be hard-pressed to find any company in any industry with a more consistent and complete record of operating excellence […]

The Final 10 of 50 Faster Growing Dividend Growth Stocks: Part 5


Research Articles

Introduction This is the fifth of a five-part series presenting 50 dividend growth stocks that I have screened for current fair value. With this article, I will be covering 10 additional dividend growth research candidates with moderate to higher yields in addition to the initial 40 that I presented in part 1 found here, part 2 found […]

10 Fairly Valued Dividend Growth Stocks for Total Return: Part 4


Research Articles

Introduction This is the fourth of a five-part series presenting 50 dividend growth stocks that I have screened for current fair value. With this article, I will be covering 10 additional dividend growth research candidates with moderate to higher yields in addition to the initial 30 that I presented in part 1 found here, part 2 found […]

The S&P 500 is Overvalued These 10 Dividend Growth Stocks Are Not: Part 3


Research Articles

Introduction This is the third of a five-part series presenting 50 dividend growth stocks that I have screened for current fair value.  With this article I will be covering 10 additional dividend growth research candidates with moderate to higher yields in addition to the initial 20 that I presented in part 1 found here and […]

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