Portfolio Review in Depth
Portfolio Review gives the ability to quickly analyze any portfolio in table form. Different metrics, historical data, and estimate data can be easily added or removed at any time to customize the preferences of what data to look at for any given portfolio. Any view created can then be saved so the preferences will persist when returning to the specific portfolio.
To customize the view, click on the Customize This Portfolio’s View button located in the top left corner. Under this tab, the following sections exist:
- General
- Current Price and Performance
- Historic
- Estimated EPS
- 3-5 TL Gwth EPS
- Est CF(FFO)
- 3-5 TL Gwth CF(FFO)
Under the General section of Portfolio Review, the general information about the company can be found. Items like Credit Rating, Sector and Sub-Sector, and Exchange can be found here. This information will be located in the FAST FACTS of the company.
Current Price and Performance
This section displays current data of each company. The Blended P/E, Dividend Yield, and Market Cap are some of the items that can be selected. These items are also located in the FAST FACTS of each company.
The Historic section gives the ability to analyze historical growth rates, historical Normal P/E’s, and historical Dividend CAGR’s just to name a few. These items can be found either in the FAST FACTS of each company, or in the Performance Chart.
Click here to learn more about the Performance Chart.
It is important to scroll out any estimate data on FAST Graphs to match these numbers, because these numbers represent actual completed years. Let’s use 5Y EPS Growth and AAPL for an example. To recreate the 5Y number in Fast Graphs, we need to select a 5 year graph and scroll out all of the estimates to the last complete full fiscal year. The corresponding number will then be found in the FAST FACTS in the green shaded area.
Estimated EPS
The Estimated EPS section displays data only found on the Forecasting Calculator: Estimates.
Click here to learn more about the Forecasting Calculator: Estimates.
All of the data corresponds with the furthest (last) estimate out and on the solid orange line using the Adjusted Operating Earnings Metric. The data is found either in the popup or below the graph depending on what type of data it is.
Consensus Dividend EST and Consensus EPS Est will be found in the data below the graph. EPS Growth will be found in the green area in the FAST FACTS. All other data will be found in the popup on that last data point on the solid orange line.
3-5 TL Gwth EPS
3-5 TL Gwth EPS corresponds with the 3-5Y TL Growth Forecasting Calculator.
Click here to learn more about the 3-5Y TL Growth Forecasting Calculator.
All of the data corresponds with the furthest (last) estimate out and on the solid orange line using the Adjusted Operating Earnings Metric. The data is found either in the popup or below the graph depending on what type of data it is.
Consensus Dividend Est and Consensus EPS Est will be found in the data below the graph. EPS Growth will be found in the green area in the FAST FACTS. All other data will be found in the popup on that last data point on the solid orange line.
This section corresponds exactly how the Estimated EPS section corresponds but using the Operating Cash Flow Metric. Refer back to the Estimated EPS above section.
3-5 TL Gwth CF(FFO)
This section corresponds exactly how 3-5 TL Gwth EPS section corresponds but using the Operating Cash Flow Metric. Refer back to the 3-5 TL Gwth EPS section above.
Once a view is selected, it can be saved by clicking on Save This View so the preferences will persist for each individual portfolio when returning back to the Portfolio Review. All of the columns are also draggable so that the preferences can be rearranged in any order, and also sorting is available in each column by clicking on the name of the column.