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Research Articles

Sysco – Building A Case For A Return To Growth


Research Articles

Introduction This article will specifically cover Sysco (SYY) and why I believe it represents an exceptionally safe opportunity for dividend growth investors and retirees looking for yield. Specifically, it also offers a follow-up to an article on Sysco (SYY) that I wrote approximately a year ago Found Here.  However, I have ulterior motives that go […]

Our Top 40 Favorite Dividend Champions: Blue-chip Dividend Growth Stocks Today’s Strong Option for Retirement Portfolios Part 2


Research Articles

In part one of this two-part series (Found Here) I laid the groundwork for why I believe that blue-chip dividend paying US equities represent not only a viable, but also a safer investment choice than many give them credit for. I also pointed out why I believe the risk profile on bonds is currently upside […]



Research Articles

After suffering from shrinking earnings during the great recession, FedEx (FDX) appears on track to once again deliver the goods profitably. However, the market seems to have already recognized the current opportunity and pushed valuation to the outer limits of fair value. Therefore, FedEx may be an investment that requires patience. Aggressive investors could take […]

Newsflash: The Dividend Aristocrats Found The Lost Decade


Research Articles

Introduction There are many people who continue to hold a jaundiced view of stocks because they were traumatized by the last two recessions.  Precipitous drops in equity prices drove them to distrust stocks and stock markets.  However, I believe that most of the negative sentiment is a function of what I would describe as vague […]

Maybe Diversification Is Not All It’s Cracked Up To Be


Research Articles

There’s an old cliché about real estate investing that states that the three cardinal rules are: location- location- location.  Clever pundits have borrowed upon this refrain and glibly state that the three most important or cardinal rules of investing are: diversify- diversify- diversify. However, careful analysis will reveal that diversification is a multifaceted concept that […]

A True Investor’s Most Important Performance Measurement


Research Articles

Although most people either fail to realize it, or simply refused to accept it, every stock portfolio has two separate and distinct performances.  The first, and in my opinion, the least important, is stock price movement.  If you buy a stock at $10 a share and it goes to $15 a share it’s a good […]

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