Research Articles
Blue-Chip Dividend Aristocrats – There is a Lot of Value in this Market: Part 4
This is the fourth in a series of articles designed to counter a pervasive attitude that common stocks are expensive today. Furthermore, we would agree with those that contend that we have been in a stealth bull market for the last 18 months or more. However, would also contend that stocks were so cheap prior […]
Don’t Be the Equivalent of a Stock Market Racist
There is no shortage of pundits and prognosticators willing to offer their opinions (rarely based on facts) as to whether or not stocks are cheap or expensive, or as to whether the markets are going to rise or fall. In every case, the opinions and prognostications are directed as generalities such as stocks or markets. […]
Most Eastern Utility Stocks Are Overvalued – Part 4
This is our fourth and final installment on assessing the relative valuation of utility stocks today. Our first installment part 1 looked at utility stocks in general. In part 2 we covered utilities operating in the Western part of the United States, and in part 3 we looked at utilities operating in the Central states. This […]
Investing in Central Utility Stocks – Do Today’s Valuations Make Sense? Part 3
This is the third in my series on investing in utility stocks based on the sector’s current valuation levels. The series was initially inspired by concerns that utility stocks may be overvalued because they had recently performed very well. When the series first started with Part 1, utility ETF’s were showing the best one-year performance […]
Investing in Western Utility Stocks – Do Today’s Valuations Make Sense Part 2
Introduction In part 1 of this series on utilities published on July 26, 2012, we looked at the utility sector with a broad brush. In this part 2, we will focus on utilities located in the western part of the United States. The series was inspired because of the apparent general impression that utility stocks […]
How to Know What Rate of Return to Expect from your Stocks: Part 2
Introduction In Part 1 of this series found here, we voiced the notion that there are two primary attributes, valuation and the rate of change of earnings growth, which prudent investors can use to forecast the potential future returns on their stocks. However, Part 1 was primarily focused on ascertaining the principles which laid the […]